I have been an avid follower of AI for over twenty years. I remember a lecturer at university asking this question: If you were to switch off a droid, one that has human characteristics, memory and even desires, would you be committing murder? Would it be a form of homicide? Digicide perhaps? This was a question that resonated with me, I was confused yet enthralled at the idea that one day we could have fake humans amongst us.
The idea about AI has been a human objective for a long time. From early works in the 1940s, the idea that a machine could help us was at the top of both our domestic and warfare goals. Alan Turing is like an idol to me, someone who was able to make machines work for him and the team at Blechley Park. What made him be a part of a somewhat strange technology? Earliest ideas come from the 30s, a prewar time that held promise but ultimately turned into a disastrous six years for many. Perhaps an earlier leap into an advanced thinking machine might have helped shorten the war. That's a topic for another time I reckon. There are many scientists now that are seeing AI as a demon. A way of destroying the human race and all that we have achieved. You might even think that it is a god-like complex that fuels this passion for the seemingly evil technology.
I am a believer that we can gain some good from this technology. There is this fear, however, that it will be used for the 'usual' individuals to find commercial success. To me, the evil is money! It is even driving wars now, this being through the need for oil and other prized materials. So, where can AI take us?

What's in the film that gives us hope? There isn't a lot really, only the misguided love that David shows for his human family. I suppose there is a sense of belonging for Gigolo Joe. He resides in the city pleasing whoever is willing to pay. The biggest predicament that this movie delivers to us, comes from the fact that David is frozen for many years, long enough to move into a completely new age. This would mean that,although artificial, all of the memories would remain indefinitely. Is this a good or a bad thing? It can be seen as good because people would live on. All that the AI has learnt from its master will live into the next millennia. It can also be 'bad', as we may find that some memories are better left in the archives of nothingness. What if we had a memory from an AI unit that served in the Hitler Youth? I am sure we could find somebody who would make use of it!
This is a bit far fetched, even I think that we are drawn in by a dystopian future in every film that has the story to show it. The big question then, is about our connectivity with AI and how our technology will change because of it. I have come across a post from Engadget, on Twitter, that shows the new Google Home units. These are said to be a personal assistant of sorts; helping us to organise our lives with the notion that they will even cook for us one day.
My thoughts on AI are simple, we could use it for so many great things. What about companionship? The thought that a droid of some sort can be a friend to us is quite sobering. Imagine those that are lonely, elderly that sit at home all day without a partner to play draughts with. What about people who are ill? A Japanese company has created an exo-suit that can move patients around without affecting the human carer's physiology. What about dangerous situations? Chappie is a great movie, it shows us the perils that can be expected through his own robotic eyes. Like in many movies that are set in the future, the robots do the dirty work. They can deal with bullets flying past their heads, the AI would have to be highly advanced for it to suffer trauma.
Star Trek have always been great at the 'big question'. They often discuss the problems with AI and how it is implemented into their daily lives. The fact that one of the senior crew on the Enterprise is an android create an icon of hope. How does Data help the crew? His strength is very useful for starters. The franchise doesn't just introduce us to AI in the form of a robot, there is also the use of holograms. There are many questions put forward in Voyager. They tackle the morality of the Doctor's existence, and in one episode, vow to make him live with the consequences of his negative actions. Are they 'his' actions, or the code's?
The most notable use for this new technology can come in the form of technology itself. For many years, we have built cars with robots, we are even creating many other items via automated 3D printing. A computer does what it is told; the car is still welded and the electronic board is still etched, this is due to the code that was given to it. Why is AI any different? I suppose the arm that welds wont suddenly grow legs and jump on its human counterparts. Does this mean that as long as we don't give it legs, we'll be okay? I think we are jumping onto the scare train too easily, notice how it is the defence industry that messes up in The Terminator. They produce the first ones, the ones that are then used by the software to start a rebellion. If AI is kept domestic, I believe we will grow even more technological, we might become wiser in our achievements. With the human mind being so well evolved, imagine an artificial one at its side. After all, two heads are better than one. Should that be one head and one artificial head are better than one? Whatever, i'm not sure it's really going to matter that much.
What is your opinion on this? There is a reason to be scared of what AI will bring, but I think this can be addressed. Whatever you read or watch, they always display the worst case scenario and we often fall victim to paranoia. Can you think of a way that it can help us? When the time comes, I will say I told you so, either that, or I will croak a big sorry in my last breath as the Google Home unit impales itself strAIght through me. I only asked it to boil the kettle, the cheek of it!
Article about Google Home: On Twitter - https://t.co/ZaL1cmreH5
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