Tuesday 4 October 2016

It`s All About the Game - Programming Thoughts

In the world of gaming, which genre is king? Are you a lover of the First Person Shooter (FPS), or enjoy a good puzzle on your smart phone? My own definition of gaming is simple, its `A leisure pursuit that sees you interact with a digital or physical object in order to attain positive stimulation.` This is a basic view of it, but I have been a gamer all of my life. The idea that gaming has to involve a controller or have taken millions of dollars to produce is nonsense.

I have made games in the past, one I even distributed on iOS. It was a test bed for what I could do at the start. I have never been an avid programmer; I have, though, always enjoyed designing them. By the time I had withdrawn from the iOS program, it had been played all over the world. Even in the digital era, it still feels like my `brain-baby` had made it to further climbs. For those that enjoyed playing my simple game, it still came under my definition! Does that make them a gamer, or just somebody bored on the toilet?
The most interesting aspect of this process was one of the Appstore comments that I received. It was from a guy in the UK that stated, and I quote, `That`s time that I will never get back, what a waste of a few minutes!` I of course apologised for miss selling my FREE game as the next Call of Duty. Needless to say, I think FPS may have become a bit of a monster and sees people become obsessed over trivial details and DLCs.

 (Screenshots of my 'basic' game, Patter Patter Rocket - 2013)

I suppose it is like a smart phone, people just can`t help mock those that like something different to them. I am an avid iOS user because it works for me. Over the decades that I have been tampering with electronics and building PCs, I know what I like! Good luck to you if you`re an Android user, I will even take my proverbial hat off to those that use a copy of Windows in their hands.

Anyway, let`s get positive now, sort of. The concept of programming is long and drawn out. I have had friends that could program a small platform game in a couple of hours, including graphics! I have been impressed by this. If you haven`t seen Indie Game : The Movie yet, I would recommend it. The story of Minecraft is amazing too! These documentary films give you an insight into the perils of the Gaming Industry as a standard. Poor Phil Fish (Poison) had it tough.

As a game designer, I have in the past taught the concepts of this side of the industry. This was to both children and college students, I was also paid to do it, awesome! There`s nothing better than being paid for that which you have a desire. I am always toying with ideas but never seem to get on with them. My current `light bulb` is about one that sprung on me one day, some time ago. The innovation that came with Pokemon Go has been amazing. Whether you like it or not, it has seen children and adults alike achieving the annual `reminded exercise goals` of the government happen within days. My idea had this goal, a way to get children moving more.

So, what is it? The idea is to produce an orienteering program that will produce a a quick course. This concept could be adapted and produced by somebody in a couple of days, not me though. I now realise that this blog has become about frustration and not sitting still.I guess that I am now though!

This blog is really a cry for more to follow their programming goals. Don`t be afraid to be different, your ideas are unique and deserve to be shared, bring `em on!

What do you play on? I have had most consoles over the years but have ALWAYS been a PC gamer. I think about the video cards that I have had in the past, the one I have now is only entry level but manages great with the 2gb of VRAM it holds. It, of course, pales to a new Nvidia 1080! Even early on, I used base level gaming boards, my 486 housed a `modern at the time` AGP (Advanced Graphics Port) card. I then had a 256mb ATi Radeon board which was great for playing the FPS games of the day, this was namely Medal of Honour or Quake. I did need to upgrade my memory for this, a move from 16mb to a whopping 32mb, Yeehaa! I am back with my PC now, as I have said before, I have been a Flight Simmer for more than twenty-five years! I have to have a PC for this, especially with a yoke in front of me.

Let me know you thoughts, what do you like? Are you an FPS snob? You`re welcome to spout if you like! I just love games, I seriously don`t care what I play it on!' If I had to pick, I would go for `Sandbox` or Open World, Fallout, GTA and Assassins Creed 2 (Yes, number 2 was epic!) to name a few. I just can`t get enough of the `second life`.

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